![]() This week, in Parshat Bereishit, we read that God created the world with space for people to play an active role in its ongoing creation. One way we enact B’tzelem Elokim, being made in God’s image, is through an intentional engagement in the creation of a more perfect and just world. The work is vast, but, “it is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.” (Pirkei Avot 2:16). Our tradition teaches us that this duty extends to the participation and betterment of the communities in which we live. As individuals, we can do this by voting for our elected officials and motivating others to vote. Monday, November 8 is election day- use your voice and right to vote in order to make the world a better place for its youngest inhabitants. Our country needs an early learning system that can meet the needs of working families- and the early educators they rely on. Set our children up for success. Vote! Share this flyer with your educators and families with a QR code to register to vote!
Read these articles about voting and young children:
March 2023